Fantasy Books Inspired Me to Start Whittling #WyrdAndWonder

Sometimes when reading a book something really catches your imagination. There isn’t a whole lot in Fantasy Books that can easily be bought over into real life (as much as we’d all like to have a pet Dragon that isn’t going to happen) but one thing that has cropped up in Fantasy books periodically over the years is the skill of whittling.

Projects one and two – whittled owls

I recently read another (very good and highly recommended) fantasy book Seven Deaths of An Empire by G. R. Matthews that had a character who was often picking up sticks to whittle as they travelled through a forest. It grabbed my attention enough that I wanted to try it for myself and so after a bit of internet hopping I ordered myself a penknife and some small blocks of a soft wood and set about giving it a go.

Current project – a tiny turtle.

It is an oddly satisfying pass time (if rather messy with wood shavings) and I’ve still got a lot to learn but I think this hobby will be sticking around for a while.

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